Even in the Word era, coaching to improve handwriting can be very worthwhile. Just as in learning to play golf or the violin, it is important to teach the fundamentals of posture and grip right from the very beginning, and keep reinforcing these.

However, it seems that many students need help because they haven’t learnt the basics properly and they develop habits that are hard to change without a period of intensive coaching.

If students are willing to put in some time and effort over a regular period of 6-12 weeks (depending on their age and ability), it is likely that they, their parents and their teachers will be delighted with the results. I have seen a left-handed student replace an illegible hand with the most beautiful handwriting, and other students have surprised everyone with their improvement and dedication to the task.

Clear, attractive handwriting that can be done at speed has positive results in exams, job application letters, and when writing class notes and assignments. Also, some high schools and workplaces request a sample of handwriting from prospective students or employees.




$70 per hour




I am a private English tutor with over 30 years teaching experience. 

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